Chance for Change (In Every Relationship)

Change we called ?

I believed in what we share. I mean change. In the room of change we all have a lot of chance and space to showcase our talent or what we are made off. The mouth of change is big enough to occupy the quantity of food you want to pack in it. Come, we need to ask ourselves what we think of change.  Academically, Career Wise, Politically Financially Physically in all ramification of life, are we really exhibiting what change really  mean or we are just showing what we mean by change. The above statements are two different things that we must put in mind at this junction.
Therefore, it is important to  draw our attention to some things about change, which we help us to know if change is what we are displaying or we are proving ourselves to be a good actor in our  body(change). However in the definition of change, we can give it different interpretation even at the same level of part of speech in English language. 'Change is to make or become different'. It also mean 'to take or use instead of'. In the two definition above one can use it differently but still exhibiting the meaning of change and  both still serving as the same part of speech that is VERB. Whichever way we like to use it, the most important thing is to perform the real meaning of change. Later in this write up we are going to look at the definition of change in different way in order to help us to know if change as really come or we are only displaying our own change just like an actor in the play 'Death of the King horseman'  by Wole Soyinka. Indeed the Change We Called?