Chance for Change (In Every Relationship)

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Born for honours(Valentine Birthday)

                           Born for honours(Valentine Birthday)

Honouring an Honour is an Honour
Oh! An Honour admired day
Witness day in Honour is an Honour
Birth an Honour is an Honour

Oh first cry Honour day for Honour
So to make Princess is an Honour
Associating with special agent is an Honour
An Honour to Honour you

An Honourable way just to Honour you
Marching among the Honours

Honour bed with Honours
Making an Honour to be Honour

Honour womb that Honour an Honour
To the child worthy of me Honour for an Honour
Honour holds faith for an Honour
Honour call God to do me Good for an Honour.

Valentine day is a day to remember one of the greatest Love Sacrifice. Saint Valentine gave a name for himself just to be called upon by unborn generations. It is the day the special and unique ones are born in order to make a name for the unborn generations to Honour and admired.
The crew of wishes our wonderful unique Honourable Honour HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Long life in good heart and Prosperity in Jesus name.
Wonderful unique  readers and viewers is an Honour to call you to join us in celebrating this wonder Gift of God.

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