Chance for Change (In Every Relationship)

Thursday 2 May 2019



A mystery is an unexplainable something or secret of something. Worship is the condition of being worthy (as a noun) but as a verb it is to honour with extravagant love and extreme submission as a lover.

It is very important to know that worship is the ultimate goal of the church not missions. Mission ends with human before then throne of God on the last day but worship abides forever. Worship bestowed the Glory of God since that is His dwelling place. 
Worship is ultimate, not mission, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, mission will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever.

The mystery in the worship of God is now a thing peoples in this contemporary rarely experience. A lot of things are happening in the church which cause the secret in His worship to be missing in the congregation today like the days of old. This is the reason why peoples are missing (1) the worship of his Glory (2) the worship of His majesty (3) the worship of His uniqueness. Before we can see these three things in our mix, and experience the mystery of His worship, these three things must be in us.

1.    Understanding what worship is
2.    Knowledge on how to worship
3.    Understanding and having the knowledge of where and when to worship

Psalm 40:3, 1Corthina 14:24-25

David wrote, ‘He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD’ (Psa. 40:3), or as the new century Version translates ‘will see this and worship him.’

In this above verse, we can see two profound elements of worship and they are: celebration and proclamation.
In the celebration which can be seen in the first sentence of the above verse, David had an experience with the Lord. God rescued him and refreshed him. He had experience the presence of God. He was change. And he couldn’t be silent about it. He sung praise to God ‘He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God (Psa. 40:3a), also (Psa. 119:167). My soul keeps your testimonies; I love them exceedingly.’ He could not hide his joy, happiness, his relief. He had to shout and sing. You too can do the same. You can experience His presence if only you can give Him chance in your life.

Since there is a vertical dimension to worship there is also the horizontal dimension of His worship. David said, Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD. (Psa. 40:3b). When David was praising the Lord, many saw it that is known God’s presence and what is needed after seeing and know His presence, is to feel His presence. The people that saw it didn’t just stop there, they also want to have the security that David found in God by joining David in worshipping God in spirit and truth. That is they must give all their heart, strength and trust in God through releasing themselves to God to have His Total control over them. 1Corthina 14:24-25.

John 4:24, 6:63, 17:17.

In order to experience the mystery of His worship after understanding what worship is, then you need the knowledge on how to worship Him.
Many worshippers of the Almighty God lack this: knowledge on how to worship him. Since worship is a verb that is what must be put into action and there is a way that the action must be carried out which is unknown to us. ‘John 4:24; God is a spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.’ This is where the problem is. Many chorister that lead the congregation to worship didn’t not know him and not putting their trust in him so can they lead the people to the Lord talk less of the congregations. Please how will they feel His presence once their heart is far from Him. Remember that the Lord’s eye cannot bestow a sinner. This is the reason why peoples in this contemporary are no more experiencing the mystery of God’s worship. The way out of this, is that we must understand how to be in spirit.  ‘John 6:63; it is the spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.’ Since His word is spirit, the only way to be in spirit is to make use of His word. Study His word in season and out of season so that you can feel the worship in His Glory. A lot of Gospel musician today have lost the word in their songs and this failed the experience in the mystery of worshipping God. 
We cannot differentiate between their songs and secular songs. They have dance to the tune of the people of world all because of money or self-recognition. The truth in their word is now missing so we cannot experience the mystery in the worship. I have heard and watched the real example of people who experience the mystery of God’s worship because they known the truth. ‘John 17:17; Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.’ Worshipping God in truth and spirit shows that His word is truth since the truth cannot be argued but be declared. The worship of the Lord cannot be change into another thing because we want to satisfy some set of people which is wrong. Beloved having the knowledge of God’s worship, it must be reflected in your worship to Him then you will see the worship of His majesty.

Psa. 96:9, 29:2 1Chronicles 16:29, 2Chronicles 20:21

In worshipping God, we should worship God in Holiness. Before we worship God, we should get right with god according to His word. Psa. 96:9; Worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him all the earth!’ when your heart is right with the Lord. ‘Hebrews 12:14; Strive for peace with everyone and for holiness without which no one will see the Lord.’ ‘Titus 2:12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled upright and godly lives in the present age.’
At this Junction, it is very important to know that our holy heart brings out the Mystery of Worship. Let us all stand for the truth so that during the worshipping of God we can feel and experience His presence in our life in order for those afar off that hear can come, see and feel His presence in their lives. ‘ 2Chronicles 20:21; And when he had taken council with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the Lord and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army and say, Give thanks to the LORD, for His steadfast love endures forever.’
Conclusively, understand that you are the individual others are looking at therefore dress in a way that will show the holiness and the Glory of the Lord in you. It is not to make others fall. Remember what he said in the book of Luke, ‘Luke 17:1; And he said to his disciples, Temptation to sin are sure to come, but woe (curse) to the one through whom they come!’


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