Fulfilling Your Assignment by Pastor Sam Adeyemi
Fulfilling Your Assignment by Pastor Sam Adeyemi
Ephesians 2:10 – For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
It’s a beautiful thing when you realize that you’re not a biological accident. You’re not here on this planet simply because a man and a woman slept together. When you see things from God’s perspective, you’d realize that a man and a woman had to sleep together because you had to be here. You’re here for a special purpose. You’re specially and specifically designed by God to fulfill a purpose.
In Jeremiah 1:4-5, we see that there were a lot of things that happened before you were conceived. There was a plan and it was deliberate. The knowledge of that should get you excited about your life when you realise that you’re not God’s after thought. Perhaps you were told that you were mistakenly conceived but when you come to the point where you realise that the highest intelligence planned your life, that’s a beautiful thing.
Psalm 139:13-16 tells us that we are God’s special masterpiece deliberately crafted for a reason. Nothing about you takes God by surprise because he knows the end. Many of us don’t know how special we are and how specially equipped we are to fulfill our purposes on this planet.
David in Psalms 8:3-8 realised that in the glory of all of God’s creations, the most valuable asset out of all is man. There’s nothing God created that is as sophisticated as us. Ephesians 2:10 shows us that we were not designed to live an ordinary life. We were not designed to be a victim of circumstances. God put you here for mastery.
How do we get to know how special we are? One recommendation is that we should be saved from the nature of sin. In Ephesians 2:8-9 we see that God saved us by His grace. We can’t take credit for it as it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done so none of us can boast about it. Salvation delivered us from the nature of sin. When Adam sinned, all of us sinned. Adam means mankind and his sinned automatically passed on everyone. If he was not given the freedom to choose what he would do, then he wasn’t created in the image of God. This is why God had to take on the nature of man, die on the cross because the wages of sin is death and go back to heaven thus making provision for everybody to be forgiven their sins and to have the nature of God back.
In Rom8: 28-30 we see that the moment we get God’s nature back, we receive forgiveness of sins and come back into alignment with God’s plans and purposes. Our greatest business on this planet is finding alignment with God’s plans and purposes and the first step is receiving forgiveness from sin. Once you become born again, you become a child of God, you receive a forgiveness of your sins, The next thing is glory; sharing God’s beauty, magnificence, wealth, and power.
In Revelations 13:8 tells us that the lamb of God (Jesus) was slaughtered before the world was made. This is an idea of what happened in heaven long before Adam was created. He was already slaughtered which means then you and I were also seen but now with a new identity. So after His death and resurrection, it became possible for us to find our identity.
Your destiny is not about you. Your life is not about you. Your life is too small to be the purpose of your life. Before helping other people you need to look at yourself.
Who are you? What capacities has God wired into you.
Who you think you are and who you think you’re not is what puts a cap on your capability. You may have been a no-body before, but now that your in Christ. In 2 Cor. 5:17, we see that the new “Us” is the one the world needs. As long as you see yourself as a crawler if a struggler like everybody else, you cannot help them. A slave cannot lead a slave out of slavery. It has to take someone that has experienced freedom is to know what freedom is and to lead people there.
Who are you? What capacities has God wired into you.
Who you think you are and who you think you’re not is what puts a cap on your capability. You may have been a no-body before, but now that your in Christ. In 2 Cor. 5:17, we see that the new “Us” is the one the world needs. As long as you see yourself as a crawler if a struggler like everybody else, you cannot help them. A slave cannot lead a slave out of slavery. It has to take someone that has experienced freedom is to know what freedom is and to lead people there.
The problem with us Christians is that many of us are mislabelling ourselves. It’s the problem our design. As human beings our destiny’s are tied to image as seen in Genesis 1:26. So no image, no dominion. All those pictures we see everyday, the people we meet with, the things they say, the reflection that they give us, the opinion they express about who we are are shaping our identity and they’re mis-shaping us. Nobody on this planet really knows who you are. It’s only the mastermind, the ultimate creativity and intelligence that put you together can tells us who you are.
In Matthew 6, Jesus asked His disciples the opinion of men about Him. They compared Him to people who were existing before. Then He asked who they themselves thought about God. Peter’s response was greeted with “flesh and blood did not reveal this to you”. In other words, you can only truly know God by revelation. You can also only know who you are by revelation. Don’t allow people to label you. Who you are was written from the foundation of the world. Jesus lived in this world in the authority of who He was. 2 Cor. 5:17 clearly talks about the old life that gives way for the new
1st John 5:4 tells us that what you believe is what you become. If you wait for circumstances to validate your identity, Satan will tweak things to make you feel less than who you are. You’re in a class all by yourself.
Pastor Samuel Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, a fast growing, life changing church committed to “raising role models” based in Lagos. He is also the President of Success Power International.
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